Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Yeah. To His Face.

If you've read the previous post, you've noticed that I use some pretty harsh language in addressing Doug Wilson's silly contention that -- slavery defense and paleo-Confederate sympathies aside -- he's surprised and offended that people have accused him of being a racist.  People say that about him, but he's quick to assure us that they're wrong, flat wrong, and utterly off base.  It's a pomo (post-modern), liberal, culturally-accommodating bit o' stupidity that would make anyone think that.  I'm paraphrasing, but you recognize the vocabulary.

Thus my comments -- because he knows that assertion, all-dressed-up as it is, to be ridiculous.

But perhaps you wonder how it is that I can say these things about Wilson when I've accused him, during the Andrew Sullivan debate-that-wasn't, of writing things he's unwilling to say to another person's face.  I accused him of lacking integrity by writing malicious and puerile -- or just pointed -- things about people and then acting shocked (say it with me now:  SHOCKED!) that I would expect him to say those same maliciously puerile things to a real, live member of the demographic he belittles from the comfort and safety of his keyboard.

Indeed, it would be grossly hypocritical for me to say the things about Wilson that I did in this most recent post if I've never, or would never, say them to his face.  I would be guilty of what I've accused him of; I would be even more guilty, because I would then have done the same AND been a hypocrite.  It would be inexcusable, and I would expect to be called out on it.

So let me ease your mind:  Everything in here is stuff I've said to Wilson either over the phone, in person, or in correspondence.  Everything, including the "acting like an ass" part.  I've engaged with him for the 11 years I've been here; there's been plenty of opportunity.  Rest assured that if I said it on Prevailing Winds, I've said it to him first.

My cursor doesn't go where my mouth isn't willing to follow.  It seems a reasonable, even minimal, standard for any writer and the only standard of integrity for a Christian.  It doesn't make me brave, it doesn't make me noble, it doesn't make me reckless, and it doesn't make me just itchin' for a fight.

It would just be wrong NOT to, and so it's a promise I make to you:  If I write it about him, I've said it to him.

Moving right along . . . 

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