Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tossing Them Not Just A Bone, But The Whole Steak

I will buy an Applebee's steak dinner for anyone who, agreeing with Doug Wilson, can tell me why he thinks that the idea of a God-given right to own a gun for self defense is Biblical -- that, in fact, gun ownership is a Scriptural imperative. 

You don't have to convince me.  I doubt that you can; the idea is wretched, and wretchedly un-Biblical, given Jesus' command that ye not resist the one who wishes to do you evil, that you turn the other cheek, love your enemies, and hold with a loose and open hand your possessions and your life.  But I'm genuinely interested in how a Christian can defend a Biblical "right" to defend himself and his property with a firearm.  I'm not a rich woman, so it'd have to be Applebee's, but the first person to email me at to set it up gets it. 

Give me your best argument; I'll give you mine -- but the Scriptures will be our source.  And if you aren't comfortable with me using your name, I won't, but I will, of course, write about our exchange and obscure any identifying details. 

Who's up for the challenge?  I'll consider this a cultural exchange, because this one simply is as foreign to me as foreign gets.  But I'm ready and willing to listen -- if I can find anyone brave enough to talk with what the Kirk seems to find terribly odd and not a little sinister:  A middle-aged homemaker with a 30-year-old BA in the liberal arts, a reverence for the Bible, and a mouth that asks the tough questions, with ears that genuinely want to hear the answers.

Come.  Let us reason together, and do it on my dime.

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