Friday, April 19, 2013

A Temporary Lull In The Winds (Again)

Readers, I've missed writing for you all . . . have you missed me?

(crickets chirping)

Nevertheless, the last three weeks have been full of a whole lotta life, much of it in the "life is hard" category, and I've frankly just been swamped.  We could go with "exhausted."  "Worn out" might work, as would my grandmother's favorite, "busier than a one-armed paper-hanger."

I'm looking in the dictionary to see if I yet qualify for "overwhelmed," but I bet there's more gray woven through my lovely auburn tresses than there was a month ago.  Stress, for me, results in weight loss and gray hair.  Sadly, there's little likelihood that at the end I'll end up looking like Emmylou Harris.  It hardly seems fair.

In all seriousness, while I will not under any circumstances be suspending Prevailing Winds, I will likely be posting less over the next month or so as we travel again to Western Washington, where I was two weeks ago in a frenzy of cooking to prepare for my mother-in-law's surgery and where we'll be heading next week to spell my sisters-in-law in their care for her.  Mom is recovering slowly but steadily, God be praised, but it'll be a long haul.  We'll make yet another trip May 17; between those visits, we'll be helping my younger son move either to Woodinville or Bellingham -- or not -- and I'll be visiting a dear friend stricken with an aggressive cancer that has doctors baffled.  If you're inclined, please pray for M.E., whose trust in the Lord during this both humbles and amazes me. 

Life happens.  Lately, it's been happening in hyperspeed.

So stay with me, check in, and expect the Winds to resume, slowly at first and then gaining speed.  As long as bigots, buffoons, and bullies bellow, barb, and battle in the name of the Lord Jesus, I'll write.  I hope you'll keep reading, and it's my prayer that every one of you is doing well and walking in the grace and peace of our loving Savior.

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