Friday, March 8, 2013

A Dedication On International Women's Day

I wish you could know her.  Or, at least, somehow be in her presence.  I wish that for you because being with her is a grace, an inspiration, and a gift. 

She is my daughter-in-heart, the one I didn't give birth to but the woman, now in her early 30s, who occupies a place in my heart that only a daughter could.  I've known her now for more than half of her life, through the birth of children and the death of one, through reunions and funerals and joys and tragedies, through times of physical strength and through illness that could have taken her from us, and through moments of victory and triumph and pride that occur too infrequently, I think, in the life of someone whose strength and courage puts me to shame by comparison, but honors me as its witness.

She is the strongest woman I know, and the most beautiful.  She's Proverbs 31-strong, Dear-God-How-Can-She-Take-Anymore-strong, physically slight but spiritually composed of steel.  Her heart has been shattered, her back has been bent, and her eyes have seen more than any one woman ought to.  But she knows she is Christ's, and she remains strong, courageous and single-minded in her resolve to be a rock of faith as she betters her childrens' lives. 

I am not half the woman she is.

Maricela, you are the kind of woman I long to be, and on this Women's Day and every day, I treasure you.  Hija, eres una de las luzes mas brillantes en mi vida.  Siempre.

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