Thursday, December 13, 2012

Score One For The Bad Guys In D.C.

Well, it looks to me that the bad guys won . . . U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice has now withdrawn her name from consideration for Secretary of State, believing it to be better for the country for her to step aside. 
Here's a thought: The handful of dimwits on the GOP who held her feet to the fire over "false intelligence" regarding Benghazi are the same people who thought, sought, and bought -- hook, line, and sinker -- the demonstrably false lie that Saddam Hussein not only brought about 9/11, but was preparing for imminent attack on the U.S. with weapons he actually didn't have and wasn't thinking about. 
What Rice said 36 hrs. after Benghazi on the best info available to her is morally very different from the road of continued evil these suddenly conscience-stricken critics of hers led this country down a dozen years ago. We lost a good public servant; she lost the right to be fairly evaluated. Believe me, no one "won" on this.  A note to my partisan Christian brothers and sisters out there:
Knowingly telling lies about someone and slamming their character and integrity for no reason other than political gain is a sin.  That "bearing false witness" thing?  It's a sin, a grievous wrong, even if you don't actually know the person.  It's even worse, I think, if you feel a sense of victory when their downfall comes.  Yours may not; you might even find yourself traveling in elevated circles after your bit of character assassination.  But you'll have to face the Judge someday, and the One who is all truth may well decide that it's your turn to take a tumble -- and not, be assured, because of lies people tell about you.
The truth of your own life will condemn you.  Words matter -- eternally.

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