Saturday, September 29, 2012

New Business Cards!

I've recently changed, for the first time in more than 15 years, my personal email address (, and I want to expand the readership of Prevailing Winds.  Also, I have one of those names that requires constant spelling, particularly when someone I meet tells me that, Oh! they have a niece named "Kelly"!  I went the cheap and easy way,, and found that the design I chose gave me a few extra lines to have printed.

Thus, a new motto for my blog -- but meaningful only if I apply it to myself first:

"Prevailing Winds: A fresh breeze of the Spirit for a dry, dusty, and distracted Church."

So let's be clear that I, Keely-not-Kelly, am not the source of that fresh breeze.  It's when the Holy Spirit stirs my heart that I write; any truth comes from the Spirit, and any errors are wholly mine.  We all need the rushing wind of God's truth to blow through our lives at times, and I hope to be used by the Lord to help invigorate -- and yes, often by rebuke -- the Church in Moscow and beyond.  The Spirit will convict me if I get it wrong and soothe me if I manage to get it right, but you might be part of that.  So don't ever hesitate to make use of the "Comments" section below, and thanks for reading.

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